
Revd Wes White B.Mus., M.Div., D.Min., Ph.D. (Notre Dame), Lecturer and Centre Co-ordinator for Neopolis, NTC

I grew up as a missionary kid in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo where my parents were medical missionaries. I returned to the USA for my education and studied for my Ph.D., at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. 

After serving as a pastor in the US for fifteen years I moved with my family to Glasgow to be part of a church plant of Christian Associates International (now Communitas International). Having passed on the leadership of the church plant I helped found, I now lead a ministry among mainly refugees and asylum seekers primarily from the Middle East called Upper Room Church. I continue to contribute as member of Communitas UK Advancement Team, and have for a number of years been part of the teaching team for Forge (Scotland), a church planting network.

At undergraduate level I primarily teach Biblical Studies. I am also the course leader for our MA Theology (Urban Studies) and combine this with heading up Neopolis, the Scottish Centre for Theology and Ministry in an Urban World.

I am married to Cindy and have 5 children and 6 grandchildren. In my leisure time I enjoy the strange mix of Gustav Malher and jazz, and on occasion perform Jazology with a trio of talented musicians.

Current PhD Supervision: Daniel Atkins
