Junior Fellows - Biblical Studies

Junior Fellows are postgraduate research students registered for doctoral (or MPhil) research through any partner institution who have completed at least one year of doctoral studies. Listed below is the topic of each Fellows' research and the institution where they are registered. Further details about Fellows can be found by clicking on their name. Comments from former Junior Fellows are available

Daniel Atkins, ‘Abraham, the Righteous Gentile: Paul’s Proleptic Reading of Abraham’s Story in Romans and Galatians as Narrative Basis for His Mission’ (NTC)

Christina Bohn, ‘God’s Commitment to Creation: The Ecology of Sin and Its Eschatological Implications According to Amos, Hosea, and Isaiah’ (NTC)

Kate Bowen-Evans, ‘Unity in Diversity in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27: Reading through the intersectional lens of Queer and Disabled Hermeneutics’ (NTC)

Kengoro Goto, ‘In Search for Criteria for Identifying Israelite Texts: An Analysis of Hebrew Dialects and Other Northwest Semitic Languages’ (NTC)

Lindi Wells Martsolf, ‘A Blessing or a Curse: Redeeming Birth in the Old Testament’ (NTC)